Description - Gets the region the bucket resides in.

Runtime Class - com.ibi.agents.XDGetBucketLocationAgent


This action requires a Amazon S3 Generic as well as the following required parameters.

Parameter Groups

*Name:stringThe name of the bucket to return its region.
* - denotes required
Output Document:stringDocument returned by object

Select from one of the following options:
  • Results Document {result} - Returns the result or status document of the execution.
  • Input Document {input} - Returns the input document of the object.
* - denotes required

Output Events

onNoSuchBucketThe specified bucket does not exist.
onFailUnreachableThe host was located but cannot be reached.
onFailConnectCould not connect to the external system.
onInvalidVersionInvalid Version
onFailTimeoutThe operation timed out.
onNoSuchKeyThe specified key does not exist.
onInvalidAccessKeyIDThe AWS access key ID you provided does not exist in our records.