Utilize Apache Ant's software tool for automating iWay Deployments into your build process.
2.5. Deploying Application Projects
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On one page we talk about building and deploying using IIT, ANT, Maven & Docker
An iWay Application consists of both an application (IIA) and deployment template (ITA) file. The IIA is the artifact created when building an IIT Application Project. An ITA is created when building a deployment template created within an IIT Application Project. More information about iWay Application Projects can be found here. In this document we will explore up to four ways on how to deploy an iWay Application. Lets get started.
Deployment Options:
Application Project Deployment - Docker
Take your iWay Applications and in a few clicks you generate and deploy your own containers using the most widely used Docker technology.
Application Project Deployment - IIT (Eclipse)
From Design time to Run time... iWay Integration Tools (IIT) lets you deploy your application project directly from our Eclipse based tool set.
Application Project Deployment - Maven
Need to integrate iWay into a Maven build? No problem. iWay offers an iWay Maven plugin which should do the trick.