Hyperledger Fabric - get history

Description - Queries a Hyperledger Fabric Channel for the history of a key

Runtime Class - com.ibi.agents.XDFabricKeyHistoryAgent


This action requires a Generics Configuration as well as the following required parameters.

Parameter Groups

*NamespacestringNamespace of the key, this is usually the chaincode name.
*KeystringName of the key
*Block NumberstringThe number of a block containing a transaction with a write of the key. This is a non-negative integer block number, or a negative integer block number relative to the current block height (-1 is the latest block).
*Transaction NumberintegerThe index of the transaction within the selected block
* - denotes required
EncodingstringHow each search criteria will be converted to string. Choose UTF-8 or type a Charset name to convert the bytes to string, or choose Hex to convert the ByteString to a hex encoded string with two hex characters per byte.

Select from one of the following options:
  • Hex String {hex}
  • UTF-8 String {UTF-8}
* - denotes required
From:stringStarting time (timestamp) to search from. Format:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX where XXX is an ISO 8601 time zone. Timestamps are created by clients without a central clock. It is therefore recommended to specify a date earlier than necessary by some margin.
Maximum Depth:integerThe maximum number of versions of the key to report
* - denotes required
Format:stringFormat of the history in the output document

Select from one of the following options:
  • XML {xml}
  • JSON {json}
* - denotes required

Output Events

onFailParseCould not parse a document.
onFailOperationCould not perform the operation requested.