Description - Retrieves objects from Amazon S3.

Runtime Class - com.ibi.agents.XDGetObjectAgent


This action requires a Amazon S3 Generic as well as the following required parameters.

Parameter Groups

*Name:stringThe name of the bucket containing the desired object.
*Key:stringThe key in the specified bucket under which the object is stored.
Version Id:stringThe Amazon S3 version ID specifying a specific version of the object.
Last Modified:string Returns the object that has been modified after the specified date.Format yyyy-MM-dd
* - denotes required
Directory:stringThe target output directory
File Name:stringThe output file name, which can contain a '*' to generate unique timestamp
* - denotes required
Output Document:stringDocument returned by object

Select from one of the following options:
  • Results Document {result} - Returns the result or status document of the execution.
  • Input Document {input} - Returns the input document of the object.
* - denotes required

Output Events

successThe operation was successful.
fail_unreachableThe host was located but cannot be reached.
fail_connectCould not connect to the external system.
fail_timeoutThe operation timed out.