Description - Put/Update an Item(s) of the table
Runtime Class - com.ibi.agents.XDDynamoDBPutItem



This action requires a Generics Configuration as well as the following required parameters.

Parameter Groups

  Parameter Type Description
  Item(s): string Item or items to add or update. When not set, the input JSON document to the object is used.
  Item ID: string The JSON key whose value is used as the item to be added or updated.
* - denotes required
  Parameter Type Description
* Table Name: string Name of DynamoDb Table to add or update an item.
* Item Primary Key: string Name of the primary key to identify the item.
  Item Sort Key: string Name of the second key to identify an item.
* - denotes required


Output Events


Name Description
onFailParse Could not parse a document.
onFailConnect Could not connect to the external system.
onFailOperation Could not perform the operation requested.