Amazon S3 - create object from document

Description - Adds an object to a bucket. From document.

Runtime Class - com.ibi.agents.XDCreateObjectAgent


This action requires a Amazon S3 Generic as well as the following required parameters.

Parameter Groups

*Bucket Name:stringBucket name.
*Key:stringSpecify the key name, which uniquely identifies the object in the bucket.There is no hierarchy of subbuckets or subfolders; however, you can infer logical hierarchy using key name prefixes and delimiters.
Encoding:stringServer-side encryption
Content Type:stringThe content type of new object.
* - denotes required
Canned ACL:string

Select from one of the following options:
  • private {Private} - Specifies that the owner is granted Permission.FullControl.
  • public-read {PublicRead} - Specifies that the owner is granted Permission.FullControl and the GroupGrantee.AllUsers group grantee is granted Permission.Read access.
  • public-read-write {PublicReadWrite} - Specifies that the owner is granted Permission.FullControl and the GroupGrantee.AllUsers group grantee is granted Permission.Read and Permission.Write access.
  • authenticated-read {AuthenticatedRead} - Specifies that the owner is granted Permission.FullControl and the GroupGrantee.AuthenticatedUsers group grantee is granted Permission.Read access.
  • log-delivery-write {LogDeliveryWrite} - Specifies that the owner is granted Permission.FullControl and the GroupGrantee.LogDelivery group grantee is granted Permission.Write access, so that access logs can be delivered.
  • bucket-owner-read {BucketOwnerRead} - Specifies that the owner of the bucket is granted Permission.Read. The owner of the bucket is not necessarily the same as the owner of the object.
  • bucket-owner-full-control {BucketOwnerFullControl} - Specifies that the owner of the bucket is granted Permission.FullControl. The owner of the bucket is not necessarily the same as the owner of the object.
  • aws-exec-read {AwsExecRead} - Owner gets FULL_CONTROL. Amazon EC2 gets READ access to GET an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) bundle from Amazon S3.
*Storage Class:string

Select from one of the following options:
  • STANDARD {Standard}
  • REDUCED_REDUNDANCY {ReducedRedundancy}
  • GLACIER {Glacier}
  • STANDARD_IA {StandardInfrequentAccess}
* - denotes required

Output Events

onInvalidStorageClassThe storage class you specified is not valid.
onInvalidObjectContentThis request does not support content.
onNoSuchBucketThe specified bucket does not exist.
onFailUnreachableThe host was located but cannot be reached.
onFailConnectCould not connect to the external system.
onInvalidVersionInvalid Version
onFailTimeoutThe operation timed out.
onInvalidObjectSizeYour object is either too small or too big.
onNoSuchKeyThe specified key does not exist.
onInvalidAccessKeyIDThe AWS access key ID you provided does not exist in our records.