Each message that is processed by iSM passes through a channel, and in many applications through multiple channels. Messages can be XML or non-XML, based on the demands and requirements of the application. Channels are developed using the Channel Builder in iWay Integration Tools (iIT) and organized into meaningful groups. One or more channels constitute an application, which can be configured and deployed as a single entity.
Each channel contains the following components that must be configured and associated with a specific channel:
- Inlet. Defines the initial point at which a message enters the channel, and optionally, some preliminary steps in the message processing to prepare for subsequent stages. Each channel must contain an inlet. In the inlet, the message is received by a supported protocol (for example, FTP, HTTP, and so on), may be decrypted and/or pre-parsed, and then assigned to an appropriate route for further processing. Inlets can contain listeners, decryptors, and preparsers. Generally, decryption using standard security algorithms are simply configured, and decryption is built into iSM.
- Route. Defines the path a message takes through a channel. Each channel must contain a reference to one or more routes. Along each route, transformations and other forms of business logic are applied to the message. Routes can contain transforms and processes (defined process flows). Conditional logic, expressed using iWay Functional Language (iFL) is used to select the appropriate route for each message. For more information on using iFL, see the iWay Functional Language Reference Guide.
- Outlet. Defines how a message leaves a channel at the end of the process. Each channel must contain one or more outlets. In the outlet, the message may be transformed further and/or encrypted, and finally emitted by the system. Each message may be sent to multiple outlets of a channel. Outlets can contain preemitters, encryptors, and emitters. Selecting (associating) specific outlets for a channel can also be handled by using iFL expressions.
The following diagram provides a visual representation of the message path through channel. In this diagram, subchannel refers to multiple threads (workers) processing data on a single defined channel.
For more information on threading and thread management, see Understanding Thread Management.
Channels are developed for specific applications using the Channel Builder in iIT, as shown in the following image.
For more information on designing and configuring channels in iIT, see the iWay Integration Tools User’s Guide.