Description - Reads a single record from an MQ Series queue

Runtime Class - com.ibi.agents.XDMQReadAgent


This action requires a Generics Configuration as well as the following required parameters.

Parameter Groups

Format:stringFormat of the input data message, default is auto detection

Select from one of the following options:
  • Automatic {auto} - Input is inspected for type
  • XML - Input must be an XML document
  • JSON {json} - Input must be a JSON document
  • Bytes {byte} - Input to be carried as bytes
  • String {string} - Input to be carried as a string
Timeout:integerThe timeout period in seconds that the read will await availability of a message on the input queue.
Browse:booleanIf set, operation is BROWSE only (non-transactional)
* - denotes required
By Msg Id:stringIf set to a value, incoming messages on the queue are filtered to reject those without this message id
By Correlation Id:stringIf set to a value, incoming messages on the queue are filtered to reject those without this correlation id
By Group Id:stringIf set to a value, incoming messages on the queue are filtered to reject those without this group id
* - denotes required
Namespace:stringSpecial register namespace to store incoming message's RFH2 header properties.

Select from one of the following options:
  • None {none}
  • Default Namespace {default}
* - denotes required

Output Events

OnParseErrorCould not parse a document.
OnFailConnectionCould not connect to the external system.
OnNotFoundThe resource was not found and this is considered an error.
OnFailedOperationCould not perform the operation requested.
OnFailTimeoutThe operation timed out.
OnFailSecurityCould not operate due to a security violation.