Description - Emits input document to a JMS (Java Messaging Service) Queue or Topic; returns a status document or the original input document as the output document

Runtime Class - com.ibi.agents.XDJMSQEmitAgent


This action requires a Generics Configuration as well as the following required parameters.

Parameter Groups

Correlation ID:stringValue of the JMSCorrelationID header field
Correlation ID Tag:stringName of the element in the input document that holds the Correlation ID to use. Takes precedence over Correlation ID when both are specified.
Priority:integerOutgoing message priority. Value must be between 0 and 9, with 9 most expedited. If omitted uses incoming priority.
Type:stringClass of message sent. Dynamic will select BytesMessage, TextMessage or MapMessage depending on the document contents.

Select from one of the following options:
  • BytesMessage {bytes}
  • Dynamic {dynamic}
  • MapMessage {map}
  • TextMessage {text}
* - denotes required
Acknowledgement:stringMakes the JMS Session transactional or else specifies how received messages are acknowledged

Select from one of the following options:
  • Auto Acknowledge {auto} - the session automatically acknowledges a client's receipt of a message when it has either successfully returned from a call to receive or the message listener it has called to process the message successfully returns.
  • Client Acknowledge {client} - the client acknowledges a message by calling a message's acknowledge method.
  • Dups OK Acknowledge {dupsok} - Instructs the session to lazily acknowledge the delivery of messages.
  • Session Transacted {trans} - Specifies that the session should use a local transaction
Delivery Mode:stringNon-Persistent mode has low overhead but may lose messages. Persistent mode takes extra care to ensure the message is not lost in transit but makes no absolute guarantee.

Select from one of the following options:
  • Non-Persistent {1}
  • Persistent {2}
Time to Live:integerThe message's lifetime (in milliseconds), default will live forever
Delivery Delay:integerMinimum length of time in milliseconds that must elapse after a message is sent before the JMS provider may deliver the message to a consumer. JMS 2 only.
* - denotes required
ReplyTo:stringValue of the JMSReplyTo header field
Type:stringValue of the JMSType header field
Protocol:stringSpecial register namespace from which protocol headers for the outbound request will be taken.

Select from one of the following options:
  • Default Namespace {default}
  • None {none}
* - denotes required
*Output Document:stringDocument returned by object

Select from one of the following options:
  • Status Document {status} - Returns a status document
  • Input Document {original} - Returns the input document of the object.
* - denotes required

Output Events

OnFailConnectionCould not connect to the external system.
OnParseErrorCould not parse a document.