The Retry object generates an event that schedules the process flow to be re-executed. This object is located in the iWay Integration Tools (iIT) Palette, under the Exceptions group, as shown in the following image.

Retry Object in Palette

When you add the Retry object to your process flow using iIT, configuration properties for this object are available in the Properties tab, as shown in the following image.

Retry Object Configuration Parameters

Default action: throw a retry exception

This action causes a deliberate retry of the message (if supported for the channel) or the process flow. The process flow begins error processing. If the error is not resolved, then the process flow terminates in a retry state, accordingly.

Parameter Groups

Parameter Description
Message The exception message that will be issued to the user.
Terminate Flow If set to true, the process flow terminates immediately with an uncatchable error, bypassing error processing.

By default, this parameter is set to true.
Parameter Description
Bypass Logging If set to true, the exception will not be traced at the error level. This is useful for cases where the trace log is being monitored by an external program for errors. The exception will be traced at the debug level.

By default, this parameter is set to false.
XA Log If set to true, a transaction log entry (XALOG) is written with its message. This causes a message to appear in the transaction log.

By default, this parameter is set to false.