iWay Azure Deployment
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iWay Azure Deployment overview
The goal of this tutorial is to show how to deploy iWay application that was built by iWay iIT tool in the previous tutorial here to the Microsoft Azure Cloud
Microsoft Azure is an ever-expanding set of cloud services to help your organization meet your business challenges. It's the freedom to build, manage, and deploy applications on a massive, global network using your favorite tools and frameworks.
In short, this application consists of two Docker containers:
- iWay Application exposing an API(defined via RAML file) which utilized the iIT MongoDB Connector
- MongoDB Server
We brought these containers up and managed communication between two by using Kubernetes technology.
Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
We deploy this application onAzure Cloud by utilizing brand new Microsoft product called Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
Actually, by utilizing technologies described above we managed to build a Software as a Service (SaaS) managed by Azure Cloud!
Software as a service (SaaS) is a software distribution model in which a third-party provider hosts applications and makes them available to customers over the Internet.
SaaS is one of three main categories of cloud computing, alongside infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS).
What is AKS?
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) manages your hosted Kubernetes environment, making it quick and easy to deploy and manage containerized applications without container orchestration expertise. It also eliminates the burden of ongoing operations and maintenance by provisioning, upgrading, and scaling resources on demand, without taking your applications offline.
Introduction to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) preview
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) makes it simple to create, configure, and manage a cluster of virtual machines that are preconfigured to run containerized applications.
This enables you to use your existing skills, or draw upon a large and growing body of community expertise, to deploy and manage container-based applications on Microsoft Azure.
By using AKS, you can take advantage of the enterprise-grade features of Azure, while still maintaining application portability through Kubernetes and the Docker image format.
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is currently in preview. Previews are made available to you on the condition that you agree to the supplemental terms of use.
Some aspects of this feature may change prior to general availability (GA).
Managed Kubernetes in Azure
AKS reduces the complexity and operational overhead of managing a Kubernetes cluster by offloading much of that responsibility to Azure.
As a hosted Kubernetes service, Azure handles critical tasks like health monitoring and maintenance for you.
In addition, you pay only for the agent nodes within your clusters, not for the masters. As a managed Kubernetes service, AKS provides:
- Automated Kubernetes version upgrades and patching
- Easy cluster scaling
- Self-healing hosted control plane (masters)
- Cost savings - pay only for running agent pool nodes
With Azure handling the management of the nodes in your AKS cluster, you no longer need to perform many tasks manually, like cluster upgrades.
Because Azure handles these critical maintenance tasks for you, AKS does not provide direct access (such as with SSH) to the cluster.
Using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
The goal of AKS is to provide a container hosting environment by using open-source tools and technologies that are popular among customers today.
AKS expose the standard Kubernetes API endpoints. By using these standard endpoints, you can leverage any software that is capable of talking to a Kubernetes cluster.
For example, you might choose kubectl, helm, or draft.
Creating a Kubernetes cluster using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
To begin using AKS, deploy an AKS cluster with the Azure CLI or via the portal (search the Marketplace for Azure Kubernetes Service).
If you are an advanced user who needs more control over the Azure Resource Manager templates, use the open-source acs-engine project to build your own custom Kubernetes cluster and deploy it via the az CLI.
Using Kubernetes
Kubernetes automates deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It has a rich set of features including:
- Automatic binpacking
- Self-healing
- Horizontal scaling
- Service discovery and load balancing
- Automated rollouts and rollbacks
- Secret and configuration management
- Storage orchestration
- Batch execution
Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster
Install Azure CLI 2.0.
The Azure CLI 2.0 is a command-line tool for managing Azure resources.
Sign in to the Azure portal at http://portal.azure.com.
Select the Cloud Shell button on the menu in the upper-right corner of the Azure portal:
az --version
to find the version. If you need to install or upgrade, see Install Azure CLI.
Ensure that the needed Azure service providers are enabled with the az provider register command.
az provider register -n Microsoft.Network
az provider register -n Microsoft.Storage
az provider register -n Microsoft.Compute
az provider register -n Microsoft.ContainerService
After registering, you are now ready to create a Kubernetes cluster with AKS.
Create a resource group
Create a resource group with the az group create command. An Azure resource group is a logical group in which Azure resources are deployed and managed. When creating a resource group you are asked to specify a location, this is where your resources will live in Azure. While AKS is in preview, only some location options are available. These are eastus, westeurope, centralus, canadacentral, canadaeast.
The following example creates a resource group named myResourceGroup in the eastus location.
az group create --name myResourceGroup --location eastus
{ "id": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup", "location": "eastus", "managedBy": null, "name": "myResourceGroup", "properties": { "provisioningState": "Succeeded" }, "tags": null }
Create AKS cluster
Use the az aks create command to create an AKS cluster. The following example creates a cluster named demoCluster with one node:
az aks create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name demoCluster --node-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys --node-vm-size Standard_D1_v2
Connect to the cluster
To manage a Kubernetes cluster, use kubectl, the Kubernetes command-line client.
If you're using Azure Cloud Shell, kubectl is already installed. If you want to install it locally, use the az aks install-cli command.
To verify the connection to your cluster, use the kubectl get nodes command to return a list of the cluster nodes.
Note that this can take a few minutes to appear.
stan_pokidaylo@Azure:~$ kubectl get nodes
aks-nodepool1-12257698-0 Ready agent 19h v1.9.6
Run the application
Use nano or vi editors to create deployment.yml and mongodb-deplyment.yml empty files
Copy and paste the content of the related yml files provided by the main document.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: myiway labels: app: myiway spec: replicas: 1 strategy: {} template: metadata: labels: app: myiway spec: containers: - image: iwaydocker/iwaydemo imagePullPolicy: Always name: myiway ports: - containerPort: 9999 - containerPort: 9000 - containerPort: 9001 - containerPort: 8081 resources: {} restartPolicy: Always status: {}
--- apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: annotations: kompose.cmd: C:\Program Files\docker\kompose-windows-amd64.exe convert -f docker-compose.yml kompose.version: 1.12.0 (0ab07be) creationTimestamp: null labels: io.kompose.service: mongodb name: mongodb spec: replicas: 1 strategy: type: Recreate template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: io.kompose.service: mongodb spec: containers: - image: bitnami/mongodb:latest name: mongodb ports: - containerPort: 27017 resources: {} volumeMounts: - mountPath: /data/db name: mongodb-claim0 restartPolicy: Always volumes: - name: mongodb-claim0 persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: mongodb-claim0 status: {}
--- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: io.kompose.service: mongodb-claim0 name: mongodb-claim0 spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 100Mi status: {}
Then use the following kubernetes commands:
kubectl apply -f deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f mongodb-deployment.yml
kubectl expose deployment myiway --name=myiway --type=Loadbalancer
kubectl expose deployment mongodb --name=mongodb --type=Loadbalancer
Azure creates Load balancers for you:
Internal load balancing makes a Kubernetes service accessible to applications running in the same virtual network as the Kubernetes cluster.
When all services using the internal load balancer have been deleted, the load balancer itself is also deleted
Load balancer rules for the demo application:
Load balancer properties:
How to test an application on the AZURE cloud.
Run the following kubernetes command:
kubectl get services
This command allows us to select an external IP address for the service.
Initially the EXTERNAL-IP for the services appears as pending.
After couple of minutes EXTERNAL-IP address has changed from pending to an IP address
By using EXTERNAL-IP address and port 9999 for the service myiway, we may visit the iWay Service manager Console:
Use EXTERNAL-IP address on port 8081 and iIT iWay Explorer to post JSON document into MongoDB database:
Use the API endpoint to browse the posted document: