Provider - Fabric Channel

Description - This provider configures a Fabric Channel.
Runtime Class - com.iwaysoftware.eclipse.template.FabricChannelProviderType


Parameter Groups

  Parameter Type Description
* User Name string The user must have been previously registered and enrolled in fabric-ca (or an equivalent member service)
* MSPID string Membership service provider identifier
* Enrollment Certificate string Path to the enrollment certificate for that user, see $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/msp/signcerts/cert.pem
* Enrollment Private Key string Path to the enrollment private key in PEM format for that user, see $FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME/msp/keystore/key.pem
* - denotes required
  Parameter Type Description
* Channel Name string The name of the channel
* Peer Endpoints string Comma separated list of peer definitions in the form peerName@url, for example peer0@grpc://host:7051
* Orderer Endpoints string Comma separated list of orderer definitions in the form ordererName@url, for example orderer0@grpc://host:7050
* Event Hub Endpoints string Comma separated list of event hub definitions in the form eventHubName@url, for example peer0@grpc://host:7053
  Transaction Wait Time string Transaction wait time. The format is [xxh][xxm]xx[s], for example 1m30s is 90 seconds
* - denotes required